Tag Archives: Cry

Jay-Z signs Music Kidz to ROC Nation!!

This is big news people,

Music Kidz, consisting of producer Mr Shabz (who is the founder of Music Kidz) & former Reelist producer K1, emcee Swiss and singer Sef (the trio that were behind many of the So Solid Crew’s hits), have been working hard with their group, production team, label and movement.

Proof of their hard work has come when Sef himself recently announced that Music Kidz has signed to Jay-Z’s new imprint ROC Nation, this is big news for the scene and the country, it means our hard work and talents are being recognized and with such an array of talent here in the UK, it is the next step, it shows the progression we are making, recently Jay Sean signed to the one and only Cash Money Records (Home to none other than Lil’ Wayne).

The first release I’m looking forward to and have been waiting for a while is Sef and his album ‘Every Piece of Me’, after releasing ‘Out of the Ghetto‘ and the soon to come ‘Need A Hero‘, Sef has proven that he has a voice to match some of the best R&B singers out there, having already worked with the likes of platinum selling Robin Thicke on the track ‘Tonite‘, as a fan of music it is increasingly frustrating to not hear his material and his name being mentioned among the greats.

Also, Swiss, how can anyone forget his heartfelt flow on So Solid Crew’s smash ‘Broken Silence‘, Swiss then gave us ‘Cry‘, so the soon coming album ‘One In A Million’ is still antiscipated the Music Kidz are capable of classics so it is only right that they venture with ROC Nation (one of the most expensive labels created) with the legend Jay-Z himself to create more of their own history.



Here is a little taste of the magic that the Music Kidz are capable of creating:

I’ll bring you more on this news as soon as i find out,

Shout out to Sef and the Music Kidz team!!

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